Thursday, January 21, 2010

Medical Alert Chain Is It Harder For Paramedics To Do Their Job If A Person Wears Medical I.D. Jewelry That Is Not The Standard?

Is it harder for paramedics to do their job if a person wears medical I.D. jewelry that is not the standard? - medical alert chain

I wonder if the paramedics / firefighters know that many people today wear medical identification jewelry, no chain and has standard plate. If a person has to look at what appears to regulate the jewels paramedics / fire department more closely to see if the medical alert symbol and have a health alert? As if someone had a medical identification bracelet, beads, which he had only one channel, the paramedics notice that the person has a medical identification bracelet instead?


Madkins0... said...

Let's ignore temporarily, what are the local logs, examine them and see if the human factor.

Medical alert bracelets are only effective if the doctors warn.

The most unusual is, the more is less effective. The pure nature of man, when the jewelry is not a sign that the rescuer or the medical staff is a warning of some kind, do not fulfill their purpose.

Rescuers are busy and which are occupied, the less time they give themselves with peripheral issues such as jewelry.

Of course, someone may want to check at any given time ... but people have many things to do.

* I * If you have a medical need for an invitation to a potentially fatal disease, I am sure that he would see at any moment. I saw many, the attractiveness and efficient manner.

Thewrait... said...

I know that going to class when we were the patient, assessment, told us to look around their necks, wrists and ankles, which is where I should be. It also tells us that the patient had the information on the tooth, but to answer your question, it would probably be neglected, as in an emergency, it is tempting to beat the clock, and to share this person.

Mrs Magoo said...

I think if it's ID bracelet on his cheek took care what they say, to be sure. I do not think it would be a medical alert bracelet everyday. seeking some form of identification in the same way.

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