Wednesday, December 16, 2009

H.i.v. More Condition_symptoms How Long For H.I.V To Kill A Human?

How long for H.I.V to kill a human? - h.i.v. more condition_symptoms

I am a biology project on the immune system and I talk about how HIV destroys T-cells, I wonder what can the average speed of a dying man from Contracting States of the virus.

1 comment:

The Leviathan said...

HIV does not kill himself, is the infection is indeed for the DO.

In the early days of the epidemic in the United States, the answer to your question would be easy and hard to take, before we have good treatments for HIV, people with HIV can expect to get sick of AIDS 10 years after infection, then on average only 1 -- lived 2 years after AIDS diagnosis.

Now that the good anti-HIV therapies are available (at least for those who can pay, or for insurance or live in places where the government sponsored treatment programs have been shortened) those who take prescription drugs, because in generally very good. We also help improve blood tests to decide who should review the treatment, such as the treatment works against the virus, and help you select a new treatment, if an old work stoppage. The good news is that we can not say exactly what the life expectancy of people living with HIV, because the drugs and tests for 10 years or less have been around, and peoplelive longer.

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